What’s New?
- You can now model your organization’s offices, divisions or departments so employees and projects can be assigned to these organizational units.
- We’ve improved our speed and accuracy in our calculation process even further, allowing for almost instantaneous data calculations for even the most demanding projects.
- We’ve improved the look and feel of our software suite across the board
- A new and improved project settings allow you to better control your projects data.
- We’ve implemented a new account management system that allows 2FA and Passwordless login
- Account Login has been overhauled and now allows for Corporate SSO.
- We’ve added new reports and PDF exports across the board.
- Multi project XER’s are now supported.
- Improved Monte Carlo simulations for a higher degree of accuracy.
We’ve got a lot to share with you, and we think you’ll be just as excited as we are once you see what’s in store.
Whole-Team Management, from the lead roles to the supporting actors
We’re thrilled to announce Corporate-Level, user-defined access control and permission management. Use our interface to manage your divisions, offices, teams, and sub companies all at the touch of a button in Account Settings (for administrators).
Not just for Analytics, but in future releases of other Rhinoworks Software these divisions and corporate structure control tools will mirror in our other Applications as well, allowing you to configure once and deploy everywhere.
Calculations so fast you’ll think we hired a wizard.
While we can’t confirm or deny the employment of a wizard on our staff, it’s hard to argue with results. All calculations have a 5x improvement in speed and the accuracy has gotten even more precise. Not only will you see the improvements in our presentation, you’ll feel the speed in every calculation process.
We’ve gone Open Concept. The Property Brothers would be Proud.
We’ve continued our efforts to improve the use of screen real estate, Our graphs and layout have been reworked to show you more information on a single screen, and any of our popups can be reordered, maximized, or minimized to show you what’s behind those popups.
Take control of your Projects down to the very last detail.
We’re thrilled to announce that our Project Admin has been re-tooled and given a massive facelift and upgrade to provide you even more granular control over individual projects from the details to the scores, and even general Administrative Tasks. Condensing all of these tools allows you the ability to change what you need while having what you want right at your fingertips.
Monte Carlo Simulations so Good the House is getting Nervous.
Our Cloud Monte Carlo has been one of the killer features of Analytics since its introduction, and now it’s gotten even better. We’ve improved both the speed and accuracy of all our calculations. We’ve also updated our constraint handling within the application to allow for improved accuracy in our P85 date output.
Use our Login, or Bring Your Own.
If your IT Department is anything like ours, you’ll know they love Single Sign On. Our software team loves it too, so now you can bring your own Single Sign On to all Rhinoworks Software (depending on your plan) using OAUTH2/OIDC. Our Login has also been updated to provide password-less options like Passkeys and 2FA (Coming Soon).
Analyze your XERs from Baseline to Update 42 and beyond.
We’ve included an exciting new tool to review the health of each XER individually included in your project’s dataset, and allow that report to be exported as a PDF for easy sharing and review.
Upload More. Thank us Later.
We’ve reworked the New Project Form and Update Upload Forms to allow for multiple XER uploads and an excellent, simple project upload feature that’s a joy to use. We use the information given to us through your XER to fill in as much detail as possible and intelligently give you options to select from so you can get back to what you do best.
So, so, so much more.
There’s so much more we can share with you in Analytics, but these are some of our key favorites. There’s more on set for you to discover.
To get started, visit https://rhino.works/ and login today.