Aegis Analytics v3.0 – Sumatran Release Notes

Following on from our 2.0 “Sondaicus” and 2.1 releases, we’re proud to announce our latest update codenamed “Sumatran”. A reimagining of Risk Analysis and Tracking from the ground up with a brand new way to keep your clients informed and your risks front and center. We think you’ll love what we have in store for you.

What’s New?

  • Risk Analysis is now even easier with a full suite of overhauled portfolio-level and project-level metrics to gauge your project’s risk.
  • Our Cloud Monte Carlo Analysis has been upgraded to now allow for either Performance-based Analysis or Risk-based Analysis through the introduction of a new, fully cloud-based and integrated Risk Register.
  • Archival of past and completed projects right from the context menu
  • Improvements to our portfolio view to give you at-a-glance views of projects that need attention.

Keep Control of your Risks, powered by our Cloud Monte Carlo.  ☁️

Welcome to the Risk Register, a brand new way to visualize risk taking cues from our most ardent of excel spreadsheets. With the ability to track Risks by Owner, set mitigation stages and impact scores, and visualize impact and cost right from your Analytics project screen. On any device. Anywhere. And we haven’t even begun to talk about its party tricks.

A Risk Register so Seamless it’s Magic. 🪄

We’ve integrated our Reactive Risk Register into our revolutionary Cloud Monte Carlo Simulator to give you a peek ahead of how your risk will impact you not just now, but into the future without the need to constantly change your project file to simulate those changes. Impact can also be toggled on and off from the simulation results screen so you can run different simulations with different risks affecting your scenario, and compare outputs from Pre and Post-Mitigation impacts, all in one view. It just works.

Tag, you’re it. 🏷️

Tag multiple Risks to multiple Tasks from the schedule tab to impact one, a few, or all tasks with your risk. Pick and choose using our advanced filtering system, and manage it all from a beautiful interface. Oh, and did we mention it tracks from update to update? Tag has never been better.

Customize the Register to make it yours. 🎛️

Modify global impact and associated custom data fields per-project with our Risk Settings pane. Customize and resize your columns to get just the right metrics important to your project. Export the data to Excel and take it with you for that upcoming client meeting. We provide the tools to keep you successful, and keep our competition jealous.

Import, export, and every port in between. ️🚢

Bring your existing Risk Register to Analytics using our Excel import tool to cut down on manual entry. Got a client that likes good ol’ paper? No problem. Exporting to a printable sheet has never been simpler. It’s your data, and we’re your safe harbor.

Beautiful Project Tracking. From Every Angle. 📸

Our Project Portfolio got some love this update with a dedicated Risk Analytics mode which can be toggled from the main screen, so you can keep your risks front and center with minimal distractions. We’ve also updated our standard banner with helpful charts and graphs, and updated our filter menu to include some of the most requested filters. It’s just all around a great view from any angle.

Keeping schedules up to date just got easier. ✅

“At-a-glance” visibility is one of our guiding mantras with Analytics, and to that end we’ve added small pointers to our portfolio page to determine what projects are due for their next update and additional metrics and filtering to get right to the heart of what matters, quickly. A small add for sure, but one we think will have a huge impact on day-to-day use of Analytics.

Diving deeper into completion details. 🏊

We’ve updated our Activity Completion pane to give you an overview of what activities are Critical, Near Critical, and Non Critical in our previous update; however, we challenged ourselves to dive even deeper into these important metrics. With 3.0, you can now select these boxes as buttons and view what activities are inside each path, their current status, and their start/finish dates both actual and planned.

Push the envelope. Charge forward. 🦏

We always strive to make the best for our customers at Aegis, and Analytics is no exception. While there are countless other updates and easter eggs that deserve their time in the spotlight, we’ll highlight a few here we think deserve special mention in their class.

  • We’ve cleaned up the UI to make better use of screen real estate on smaller devices. Button text has been moved to a popover window.
  • We’ve improved the loading times and speed of the User Interface to make portolios with large amounts of projects load a bit faster and pages more responsive
  • You can now archive your project from the context menu on the project page, quickly hiding completed or past projects while keeping the ability to unarchive at any time.
  • Projects already utilizing our Performance Factor-based risk analysis can easily move to Risk Register-based analysis from the context menu on the project page; and back again without losing any data or functionality.
  • We’ve improved the stability and reliability of cloud processing and result delivery to the user interface. We’ve also added progress bars and indicators to help you better visualize progress through the calculation process.

A Little Rhino with a Big Impact.

The Sumatran Rhino is the smallest of the living rhinoceroses and the only Asian rhino with two horns. We think this feisty mascot encapsulates the improvements introduced in Analytics 3.0 because while the addition may seem small, this update provides two fantastic ways to keep your project running smoothly in an impactful way that we think will truly push the envelope on what Project Controls should be.

We hope you share in our excitement by visiting beginning February 23rd at 7pm Eastern to get started, and we’re looking forward to showing you what we have in store next.